Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Birthday Blog

Happy almost 1-year anniversary, blog.  I just went back and read the first post that I wrote shortly after my 25th birthday.  It's funny to read the things you wrote a year ago, it's like a snapshot into a past state of mind.  But for all that has happened in the past year, it seems like a lot has remained the same, except now I am 26 and my grandfather is 98.  But I'm still on Nantucket, still gardening, and still cooking as much as my crazy work schedule allows.  I do intend to leave the island in December though, so that is kind of like a next step.  Perhaps I will get a bakery job when I move, start learning the "biz."  We shall see, who knows...

In any case, it's been a fun (almost) year, and I'm glad that all of you who are read my occasional musing do so, because I enjoy sharing what I'm up to, even when I can't share it in person (although that's always the best--I love cooking for people).  Please keep commenting, because I like to know what you like (and what you don't), and if you've tried any of the recipes. 

I have a few things to write about, but at this moment I want to itch my legs off (poison ivy, the likes of which I've never had before in my life), so I need to find some calamine, and then I need to go to bed, because my eyes are drooping and I feel like I'm writing nonsense.

Goodnight for now, and thanks again for reading!

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